It’s National Cereal Day!
You can buy cereals, but you can make them too, while lending a hand to support Earth’s sustainability with plants. Plants themselves are renewable by growing back. Their natural process of photosynthesis takes in warming greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
It’s a win-win situation – eat breakfast and save the Earth!
Plant Lady Vegan Granola
5 – 7 cups of rolled whole oats (these are the larger flakes)
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup honey or maple syrup
1 teaspoon or more cinnamon, to taste
1 teaspoon or more vanilla, to taste
1 – 2 cups nuts – walnut, pecan, almonds, macadamia, etc.
1 – 2 cups dried fruit – raisins, dried cranberries (Craisens), chopped dates, chopped apricots, cherries, etc.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Pour the oats into a bowl.
Add nuts to the oats.
Measure the vegetable oil and pour into another bowl.
Measure the honey or maple syrup in the same measuring cup used for the oil (this makes clean up really easy – the honey won’t stick to the cup)
Mix the oil and honey together. Add cinnamon and/or vanilla.
Pour over the oat/nut mixture. Mix thoroughly. Don’t add the fruit yet!
Spread granola evenly onto shallow metal trays.
Place in oven. Every 10 minutes, stir and turn the granola so it bakes evenly.
Bake for about 40 minutes till it’s uniformly brown.
Let cool, then add the fruit.
Plant Lady Vegan Granola
Filling. Fantastic. Delicious.