Plants and Systems Thinking


Systems Thinking is a way to view the world as interrelated and interactive. No one thing exists on its own; removing it or adding to it has an impact throughout the system. All things are connected to all other things.

A system can be anything from a family, a business, and for Plants go Global, the plants on Earth.

A beautiful view of Systems Thinking is it’s illustration as a flow chart connecting all the parts with arrows. You could list the connections, but the pointed directions of the arrows with the parts make a powerful impression.

Plants and Systems

Plants are part of multiple Systems, but they are all derived from photosynthesis.

Remember the chemical equation for photosynthesis? It’s a sentence of chemical formulas that tells the story of plant’s green process.

CO2 + H2O ————> O2 + C6H12O6

Carbon dioxide plus water, in the presence of light, yields oxygen and glucose.

These basic inputs and outputs have direct solutions to climate change. Check them out as a List:

Plant Photosynthesis and Climate Change Solutions


Carbon sequestration √

Oxygen production √

Biodiversity protection √

Soil preservation √


Food √

Shelter √

Energy √

Art √

Culture √

Naomi Volain