Plants Go Global Event: Connect Week with Innovate Pasadena

Plants Go Global goes live! Explore how plants connect to Earth's sustainability. Plant a plant!

Innovate Pasadena’s Connect Week presents this hands-on, plants-on event!

Explore how plants are the answer to Earth’s sustainability challenges. Interactively plan one thing to make plants the answer in your world.

This is a Science + Astronomy Interactive Event sponsored by Innovate Pasadena.

Please join me for How to Save the Earth: Plants are the Answer on Friday, October 26, 7 - 8:30 pm. This event is sponsored by Innovate Pasadena's Connect Week 2018. It'll be held at Blank Spaces, an innovative coworking space in Pasadena, CA on 680 E. Colorado, Ste 180, right across from the Pasadena Playhouse.